My Heart!
Saturday, July 16, 2005 |

by Zahra Bodabhaiwala
If only my heart was mine,
I’d pin it on my hair,
Or perhaps ,
Adorn my wet lashes with it.
Alas ! If only my heart was mine
Lonely heart of mine wonders,
What I’d do with the Sun,
with its lovely golden rays.
I’d probably crush them
To rub its gilt on my body.
If my heart was mine,
God would be reflected in my eyes
Maybe shine through them on stymied world.
Or perhaps,
I’d reach the skies,
And pick handful of stars,
To enliven my dull soul.
If my heart was mine,
Mirror would love me,
Plain and ordinary that I’m,
Wouldn’t disappear,
If I tried to touch myself.
Wouldn’t fool nor embarrass me,
Leaving me distraught.
If my heart was mine,
No sorrow would accompany,
If I willingly give it away.
I needn’t laugh to tide over
The flood of tears within me.
Separate thoughts, and myself
If I wanted, without the world’s consent.
If only my heart was mine,
Soft petals, when crushed
Would leave lasting fragrance: every time.
Fleeting glances would leave,
Permanent impressions on my mind.
And I wouldn’t have to wonder,
What to do with armful of happiness.
Saturday, July 16, 2005 | permalink |

Good poem
who are you? Pls reply
Anonymous, at
January 04, 2006 5:08 AM
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