The Woman Within...
Friday, April 22, 2005 |

by Balaji Rajam
Her mis-timed giggles
Her nonchalant hair toss
Her pouts of fake anger
Are just glimpses of the li'l girl within
The tears on her cheek
The compassion in her eyes
The affection in her heart
Are just shades of the mother within
Her playful ruffling of my hair
Her burst of laughter at my jokes
Her reassuring grip on my hand
Are just traits of the good friend within
Her furrowed eyebrows at my laziness
Her anger at my reckless spending
Her concern at my falling sick
Are just faces of the wife within
Her changing of roles
Faster than she changes her clothes
And her ease in every single one
Is nothing but just the true woman within.
Friday, April 22, 2005 | permalink |

I read that as "Her nonchalant hair loss" and I'm like, "Whoa! where's this poem going?"
A good one, though.
Anonymous, at
April 27, 2005 2:50 AM
if you consider this flattery, i am surprised. if you consider this as 'understanding' women or even your loved one,i'll laugh. even if you consider this poetry, i'll ask you to read a little more. clearly you want women to always be fulfilling some or the other function for you as mother, wife, girlfriend whatever...wholly disappointing...wholly regressive.
Anonymous, at
April 27, 2005 7:33 AM
Gawd Anony, you DO have some issues, dontchya ?
Anonymous, at
April 27, 2005 1:45 PM
Anonymous, yaar, it's a nice poem. The most common roles that women all over the world fulfil, more than any occupational roles, are the very natural roles of mother, wife, child, friend (putting sister in that poem would have been a bit awkward). What is regressive about that! What can be more powerful and progressive than being a mother?
Balaji, dude, as a working woman whose femininity is often suppressed, I liked this!
But you should make the following addition:
Her demand for equal opportunities,
Her ability to work long hours at the office,
Her 3.9 GPA
Are just indicators that she's my equal within.
Anonymous, at
April 28, 2005 3:33 PM
Lovely piece of work. The woman within me loved it :)
Anonymous, at
April 29, 2005 11:30 AM
Hey, I agree with anonymous. And no this is a different anonymous --sorry to say
Anonymous, at
May 09, 2005 2:06 AM
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