thoughts penned during war (Afghanistan)
Thursday, April 14, 2005 | 1 comments
bySumanya Anand Velamur
Wearing my opinion on my sleeve
A little label 4" long , 3" wide
In a little place in the world
Where I'll neither be seen nor heard
The place has claims to injustice too
I did not protest with any label blue
Against the riots so near.
So why now and why here?
Is it because it is someone else?
A war somewhere else?
Easier to blame than to be blamed?
Stand up for people you don't know unashamed?
In the bus I elicit smiles from a few people
With my opinion on the label
Perhaps they think, what a wannabe
Perhaps they think, In time she will see.
For a time I muse, Perhaps I AM a wannabe.
Perhaps, in time, I WILL see.
Is this what this is all about?
A faint flickering flame swiftly snuffed out!
Further along, in an un-peopled path, a child
Looks as if to plead, Pray, stay wild.
There is no place for musings now
Youth is all about the here and the now.
Thursday, April 14, 2005 | permalink | 1 comments
Nice. Freeflowing, simple, it enters straight into the heart with its contrasted emotions. The diffrerent dilemmas are beautifully raised and put down. One thing, wont 'unabashed' be more appropriate than 'unashamed'?
By Malik Hakem al-Baqara, at April 17, 2005 12:36 AM
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