My Masks
Thursday, April 14, 2005 |

by Natasha Ali
I wear not one, but many
Masks that protect me and shelter me.
Hide and disguise me,
From this big, and I’ve been told--Bad World.
My Mask is a necessary evil.
It is a robe that allows me to be “proper” and
with those in this world.
And yet, it allows me moments to myself.
And a chance to retain my individuality.
There may be a smile on my lips,
But an ache in my heart.
No one need know,
I have my blessed Mask.
Turmoil rages within me.
Anger has a place there too.
But, my cherished Mask allows me
To keep the face I show the world--Serene.
At first, I mocked
When told I needed a Mask.
But learnt the hard way
That frankness and honesty are but foes.
Total trust I dare not give anymore.
It brings me but pain and anguish.
Along with a wish………
That I had been wiser in my ways.
I know.
I survive.
By wearing my Masks,
And showing a different face.
Thursday, April 14, 2005 | permalink |

hey natasha - u from sherwood hall - chennai ?
Anonymous, at
May 08, 2005 10:54 AM
Indeed I am.
Did u go to Sherwood too?
Anonymous, at
June 24, 2005 9:20 AM
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