Watercolor Memories...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 |

by Nidhi Khurana
Watercolor memories, painting the canvas of my lovesick soul,
Oh darn, why the heck I ask do you come back haunting,
Driving me up the proverbial wall.
Oh, I want to run, run (as) hard as I can,
In an eternal race that I am choosing to lose,
No, I don't give a damn,
And I won't spare a thought,
If this unsparing world calls me a loser,
Or else a recluse.
Another reverie breaks in woefully unsought,
Raking up fires in a tumultuous draught,
I stand alone in the pouring rain,
Thinking a shallow moment,
My love's labor's been in vain,
And, Christ! I don't deserve this pain,
Then something snaps hard within,
Is it my heart's chord or something akin?
And suddenly this reassuring truth dawns,
Pain is a treasure that only true love spawns,
And then I begin to savour the pain,
And strangely feel warm in the rain.
I am a sinner, whose penance lies,
In incoherent ramblings, in unabashed sighs,
Memories, memories, of myriad hues,
The rosy pinks, the moody blues,
Chase me, wear me, rip me apart,
Hit me, pierce me, break my loveless heart.
Then again, I wonder why he keeps at the dreary task,
For I reckon my love was too sweet to last.
Your memories may burn me and beat me to the finishing line,
But take my word, honey, I shan't ever be thine.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 | permalink |

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