Wednesday, March 23, 2005 |

from Sarah Ahmad
to IPFC Snobs ... The place by the people, for the people, of the people.
So, quite simply, it's the people then innit?
I wandered into a world of strangers
Each one a new face, a new style
They took no notice
I did not exist, yet
But I was determined to make waves.
Slowly I found my feet there
Established a rapport, gained a repu
They knew me
And loved me, I think
And finally I knew I'd arrived.
Let me sneak you a peek into it
And introduce you to my 'peeps'
The wimps and geeks
And nerds and jerks
All mine, forever and for keeps
Snooty, first, as she's popularly known
Remarkably brilliant, a sight to behold
Heman's the man
I wrote him an ode
Both of them with hearts of gold
Smarajit next, and I can't say his name
A mega-watt smile and character to match
Guri's a charm
A veritable catch
These two are the top of the batch
Amena, Divya; beauties with brains
Lovely, alluring, worthy of note
BD my fave
Sarcastic old goat
If I picked a PM he would get my vote
Ardy, Sayantam I cannot forget
Shoot out a flamebait & they won't resist
Sairam's the same
Won't ever desist
You want a good fight? These 3 will assist
Mehmal, the darling of all of us Snobs
Fascinating female, and gorgeous to boot
Manuel I adore
He's quite a hoot
Exciting, appealing and totally cute
Shounak makes my heart go boom
A hottie and simply the best of the bunch
That's it, the end
Coming to the crunch
All you who I've praised, you owe me a lunch!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 | permalink |

Oh yeah! lunch is assured [:D]
BD, at
March 25, 2005 12:37 PM
Sarah beta, we need to fight X-(...
Confluencer, at
April 02, 2005 8:51 AM
Nickie sweety, when do you want to meet for lunch? ;)
love this ... tooooooo cute *mwah*
mehmal, at
August 04, 2005 4:20 AM
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